2007년 2월 12일 월요일

Thief Lord- Letters

Dear mother and father,

Hello mom and dad, I give you my dearest greetings. I must tell you that I am doing quite well, all by myself, missing you both. I have decided on staying outside of my home and settled down on working as a detective some where. I will visit some time for my cats! Oh, I do miss them. I know I’m doing much better out here than I ever was at home, eating more and keeping myself safe, so no need for you to worry about me. I’m sorry that I couldn’t write earlier to you, but I didn’t come across a chance. I will write more frequently though. But I must ask you a favor of taking down all the fine and dashing posters of me all over the city. I would appreciate that very much! Now I must bid you two good-bye and promise for our next communication. Fair well mother and father.

Dearest Scipio,

Scipio! My darling child I miss you so much! You have no idea how much your father and I have been looking forward to hearing any news from you. You can imagine how happy we were to get your letter, which arrived just a few days ago. It may be hard to believe but your father has been desperately hoping for you to come back home. We have considered what you have said on the letter, I mean being and working as a detective and all. My darling Scipio, we are not going to go against it if that is what keeps you from coming back home. We are just worried of your safely and health, after all, you are the only child to our family. Do come home once you have made the right decision. We love you so much!
-Love mom.

Thief Lord-Q and A

Question: Why do you think Scipio acts like an adult, or acts as if he is older than he’s age? What situation is he in that causes him to act this way? Why do you suppose that he wants to grow up so fast?
Scipio has characteristic of being mature and brilliant, full of bright ideas and even a little conceited in front of his group of friends. He acts as a leader and not like a child, but someone who’s older than his age. I think this is because he seeks for opportunities and places where he can take a lead and act like someone who is important. Scipio’s father is very strict and cannot seem to pay attention or give a care for his son. Scipio feels unimportant, and careless like a child, which causes him to think that he wants to grow up fast and become someone important so that people would pay attention to him. Watching his father do all the important works, he would naturally want to become someone older who can take on a real job that is exciting. This is the reason why when Scipio is around his group of friends, he wants to work as a big figure (almost imitating his father), someone who spotlight is put on all the time. I think that if Scipio’s father took a better care of him and treated him fairly respecting his views and opinions, Scipio would not have felt so small and gotten to be so proud and conceited.

Thief Lord-Correspondance

One book that I read this year that I connected with the Thief Lord was, That was then, What is now. The reason for this is because of similar characteristics of Bo and Mark and Prosper and Bryon. I thought that Mark could correspond with Bo because of their adventurous and careless personalities shown throughout the books. Another similar part that I thought was interesting was their loyalty. Mark shows sincere loyalty and devotion to Bryon, and to on one else. In Bo’s case, his only dependency and respect goes to his older brother, Prosper. Both of these adventurous boys love to take chances and are fairly attractive to the people around them. Even their charming golden hair seems similar to each other.
Now take a closer look at Prosper and Bryon. They both like to have fun and are able to let themselves enjoy life. However, like Prosper, Bryon is also more responsible and honest, contradicting Bo and Mark’s characteristics. Bryon is more of a caring and honest type but also strict on his set of rules and morals, like Prosper who goes by what he believes it to be right and true, adding common sense on top of it. These two characters both have great and lenient personalities, which cause people to want to get to know who they are. This is the biggest reason why Bo only respected Prosper, and Mark being interested in Bryon’s life only.

Thief Lord-Personal

When I read about the scene where Scipio finds the Merry-go-around and becomes into a young adult, I was in complete amazement and shock. Though I expected that Scipio would become into someone older all thanks to the foreshadowing of the book, I thought that he would change back into a kid after learning a deep moral. However, the young Thief Lord didn’t change back, but had to stay as the adult form. I thought about how I would feel if I had to become an adult right now. I would feel desperate and angry because in my case, I want to spend my time wisely and specially as a kid. I believe that in that way, that thoughtful childhood of mine will become a firm background to my future. Everything takes time and for you to succeed in life, you need experiences to support your decisions in life. If Scipio knew that he would regret being an adult when he was a kid, I think he would’ve changed his decision.
I think that another character who connected with me the most was Prosper. Prosper connected to me because of his characteristics. His dependable nature and responsible personality is something that I want to have as a young woman. I usually think of myself first and not how other people around me would feel. I conclude that Prosper gave me a role model that I can follow.

Thief Lord-Writer's craft 2

The characters in the book, The Thief Lord, were well developed and thoroughly described. The first character that I want to look at is Prosper. Prosper is described as responsible, honest and giving older brother; he is a character that you can trust and depend on. Prosper is intelligent and is able to give up his needs for people around him, especially to his younger bother, Bo. You can see these characteristics throughout the book when Prosper takes care of Bo. Prosper is Characterized as a person who you want o keep close to, someone who you can always depend on for help and he has immense amount of potential. Another character that I’m going to share is someone who has a controversial characteristic with Prosper, Bo. Bo is more adventurous, hyper and outgoing character who is described to have a gorgeous smile. He has the characteristics of a typical young brother, always winning and nagging to get his ways. He is not mature yet, but is pictured as a cute younger brother with big heart of love and respect for his older brother. Bo has only Prosper to depend on and lean to. He can be a bit annoying however, when the book describes the scene of him feeding the pigeons and taking care of his little kittens, you have to love him.
The author described these characters so that they can be easily imagined and pictured. They come alive from the book and because of their realistic characteristics; you can connect and relate to them without much effort. Their personalities contain qualities that you want for yourselves, to improve.
The Theme of the book is : enjoy what you have while you can. I connected these character's characteristics by understanding the author's intention of saying that whatever characteristic you have, be happy with it because they're all unique. When you grow up, some of those qualities change, so enjoy while you can.

Theif Lord-Writer's craft 1

The book, The Thief Lord, had a tremendous amount of foreshadowing in the text. You can almost guess what the ending of the book is going to be, while you’re in the middle of your reading.
One of the main characters, Scipio, is a young boy who is very mature for his age, someone who thinks of himself as highly independent which causes him to be a little conceited. This hints that because Scipio can’t wait until he grows up, and because of his actions that he takes causes the readers to imagine him as an adventurous and independent adult, you know that Scipio will do whatever to grow up faster. Scipio, also known as the thief lord, can be related to the theme of the book which is, enjoy our moment while it lasts. The reason why he connects to the theme is because Scipio can’t seem to enjoy his age. Because his father is very strict to him and doesn’t show any care and love towards Scipio, he wants to grow up fast and leave his house so that he can do whatever he wants to do. The foreshadowing on Scipio allows me to see what the author suggest to us as a reader. When the time passes, no matter how much you regret it, you can’t ever go back. When Scipio gets to turn into an adult by the Magical Merry-go-around by the end of the book, he is not sure why he couldn’t use the time of childhood having fun and enjoying the precious moment.
The most important foreshadowing comes down to Barbossa, the greedy shop owner who follows Scipio and the other children to the Island where the Merry-go-around is placed. Thanks to him being on it, not only he has to stay as a child, the merry-go-around gets broken and destroyed forever which causes Scipio to stay as an adult while Barbossa stays as a kid. I think that this shares that when you want too much for yourself, you get punished for your action.

2007년 2월 8일 목요일

Blog#9-This book made me realize..

This book made me realize how thankful I should be of my surroundings and my family members. As I saw Mark and Bryon grow up in a harsh neighborhood with robbers and discus ting racism I came to a conclusion that I should be a little more greatful of my enviornment. When I read about the scene when Mark and Bryon's friend, Charlie dies by getting shot by some gangsters, I was in a shock that made me think, 'my life isn't so bad after all.' At least I'm not getting shot or need to go outside all day to work for money, and that, I should thank my God for. I also became aware of how important family can be. Seeing Mark grow up without parants (he was an orphan) helped me to think of my parants in a more different and special way which made me realize how thankful I am of their presence.

Blog#8-I recommend this book..

I would definitely recommend this book to readers of all ages. This is a book that you can really connect to and put it into your own situation to be encouraged. It teaches you varity of deep lessons and morals that would guide you and help you as you live out your life. Number one lesson would be to enjoy that situation you're in now because it won't ever come back. The second would be to learn to take responsibility to your action and third moral would be to understand and evaluate the situation before you take an action. I think that by reading this book, you earn many keys that leads you into success. Reading about Mark's struggles and Bryon going through changes as his growing up, you reflect yourself to them and see what it is really like to grow up into an adult.

2007년 2월 4일 일요일

blog#7-If I were Bryon, I wouldn't have..

If I were Bryon from the book ,'That was then, This is now', I wouldn't have called the police on Mark. In the story, Bryon finds bunch of drugs under Mark's mattress and calls the police on him. When Mark finds this out, he feels betrayed by Bryon and this event breaks their friendship. Because I know how special that bond was between Bryon and Mark, If I were Bryon, I would've told Mark to just through it away and tell him to explain why he got into selling drugs. Although Bryon's doing may be looked upon as justice, I would say that their friendship is so much more special than some bunch of drugs under a mattress.

2007년 2월 1일 목요일

Blog#6-My favorite Character was...

My Favorite character of the book was Mark. The reason for this is because I saw how loyal he was to his brother-like-friend, Bryon. Though he was described as carefree lion-like-cold= hearted-guy, the way he stayed loyal to Bryon was amazing to see. He has a way that attracks people to him and he is viewed as a mature and deep-hearted-character while Bryon gets confused and struggles to keep balance between love and friendship. If I were to choose a friend to have in the world, I would definately choose someone like Mark, someone who values me more than I can ever value.

blog #5- I liked the way the writer..

As I was reading 'That was then, What is now' I couldn't help but to notice how detailed the author described the setting and the characters. S.E. Hinton's characters are so well described that you can almost visualize how they look like in your mind as you read the books. Mark, for an example, he was described as a golden lion, a lion who was carefree and loyal to Bryon only. I liked the way the writer described each scenes of the book. The scene of Bryon's betrayal to Mark (turning him into police) made my heart ache-It was so well described that I felt what the two characters are going through. S.E. HInton writes books so that it connects to our everyday life and gives morals that helps you through out your years.