2007년 2월 12일 월요일

Thief Lord-Correspondance

One book that I read this year that I connected with the Thief Lord was, That was then, What is now. The reason for this is because of similar characteristics of Bo and Mark and Prosper and Bryon. I thought that Mark could correspond with Bo because of their adventurous and careless personalities shown throughout the books. Another similar part that I thought was interesting was their loyalty. Mark shows sincere loyalty and devotion to Bryon, and to on one else. In Bo’s case, his only dependency and respect goes to his older brother, Prosper. Both of these adventurous boys love to take chances and are fairly attractive to the people around them. Even their charming golden hair seems similar to each other.
Now take a closer look at Prosper and Bryon. They both like to have fun and are able to let themselves enjoy life. However, like Prosper, Bryon is also more responsible and honest, contradicting Bo and Mark’s characteristics. Bryon is more of a caring and honest type but also strict on his set of rules and morals, like Prosper who goes by what he believes it to be right and true, adding common sense on top of it. These two characters both have great and lenient personalities, which cause people to want to get to know who they are. This is the biggest reason why Bo only respected Prosper, and Mark being interested in Bryon’s life only.

댓글 1개:

Matthew Sohn :

It is a nice blog in my point of view. However it would have been better if you had clearified your conclusion. Anyways good writing skills.