2007년 2월 12일 월요일

Thief Lord- Letters

Dear mother and father,

Hello mom and dad, I give you my dearest greetings. I must tell you that I am doing quite well, all by myself, missing you both. I have decided on staying outside of my home and settled down on working as a detective some where. I will visit some time for my cats! Oh, I do miss them. I know I’m doing much better out here than I ever was at home, eating more and keeping myself safe, so no need for you to worry about me. I’m sorry that I couldn’t write earlier to you, but I didn’t come across a chance. I will write more frequently though. But I must ask you a favor of taking down all the fine and dashing posters of me all over the city. I would appreciate that very much! Now I must bid you two good-bye and promise for our next communication. Fair well mother and father.

Dearest Scipio,

Scipio! My darling child I miss you so much! You have no idea how much your father and I have been looking forward to hearing any news from you. You can imagine how happy we were to get your letter, which arrived just a few days ago. It may be hard to believe but your father has been desperately hoping for you to come back home. We have considered what you have said on the letter, I mean being and working as a detective and all. My darling Scipio, we are not going to go against it if that is what keeps you from coming back home. We are just worried of your safely and health, after all, you are the only child to our family. Do come home once you have made the right decision. We love you so much!
-Love mom.

댓글 3개:

Christina :

I haven’t read this book before, but when I read your letters to mother and father, and Scipio I felt like its kind of same situation with you. So when I was reading your first sentence in your letter I thought “It might be easy for you to write a letter, because you were in almost same situation.” When I read first few sentences in your letter I thought you are really writing a letter to your mother and father. However your letter is really emotional that makes me feel warm.
In the second letter which Scipio’s parents wrote it to Scipio was very impressive. You really knew how parents might felt about their child in that situation. I feel sorry for Scipio’s parents that they have to be separated with Scipio. But it was impressive that Scipio’s parents consider Scipio’s opinion more then theirs opinion. If it was in my situation my parents might have let me separated with them. But still my parents might have tried harder then Scipio’s parents to find a other way not to be separated and satisfy the situation.
I felt like Scipio and Scipio’s parents really wrote this letter. Also the two letters have different type of writing that I could disguise a child’s writing and parents writing which was very interesting to me.
I wish I could know more background of this book so I could understand these letters more clearly. But still I could feel how Scipio miss parents and how parents miss their child.

Tommy Park :

Hi hello,
This is Tommy. I read your TRJ. It's so touching that I almost cried. You are a fabulous writer. In your essay, I think it would be much better if you put some stories in it. I can predict that Scipio got out of home and working with thief. Is that right? anyway, for example, if you put, how Scipio is working, or what special thing happened to him, it would be much better for reader to understand about the book. I like your book "Thief Lord". Later, if I have a chance, I'll read it.
Thank you thank you.

익명 :

Interesting to know.